Data Types

Right now there is a limited set of data types and text is always encoded as UTF-8. Feel free to open an issue to request new ones.

Parameter Types

Parameters of the following types are accepted:

Python Type SQL Type
bool boolean
bytes bytea
bytearray bytea date
datetime.datetime timestamp
datetime.time time
datetime.timedelta interval
decimal.Decimal numeric
float float8
int int64 or numeric
str text (UTF-8)
uuid.UUID uuid
tuple<int>, list<int> array<int>
tuple<str>, list<str> array<str>
dict<str> -> str or None hstore

Arrays can only contain one type, so tuples and lists must contain elements of all of the same type. Only strings and integers are supported at this time. Note that a list or tuple can contain None, but it must contain at least one string or integer so the type of array can be determined.

To use hstore, you must first tell pglib what OID was assigned to hstore.

Result Types

The following data types are recognized in results:

SQL Type Python Type
boolean bool
bytea bytes
char, varchar, text str (UTF-8)
float4, float8 float
smallint, integer, bigint int
money decimal.Decimal
numeric decimal.Decimal
time datetime.time
timestamp datetime.datetime
uuid uuid.UUID
array<int> list<int>
array<text> list<str>
hstore dict

Python’s timedelta only stores days, seconds, and microseconds internally, so intervals with year and month are not supported.